Ready to Roll

Gage and KadelleSure, skates don’t roll very well on grass. But getting your feet underneath you on a soft surface is a great strategy for starting out.

How have you built a structure of safety that has allowed you to try something new?

One thought on “Ready to Roll”

  1. As I age (who doesn’t?), I am trying to make decisions that help me live to the fullest of my capabilities. Acknowledging that I cannot do some things I once did, (I tried turning cartwheels some years ago and….no more of that!) Also part of the aging game is a realization that there are times, sometimes very important, that a person should ASK for assistance to avoid some kind of incident that could prove to be detrimental to self as well as to others. It’s not an easy road to tread but I am grateful for the ability to think about this time in my life and have the nerve to follow the path to little successes along the way peppered with failures as they may come.

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