May Flowers

strawberriesApril showers, we are told, bring May flowers. With any luck, May flowers bring June fruit. But it would be a shame if you didn’t enjoy the showers or the flowers because you were only looking for the ripe strawberries to come.

What do you enjoy as part of the process rather than just as the end result?

6 thoughts on “May Flowers”

  1. Sometimes the cookie dough tastes even better than the finished cookies!

  2. Regarding enjoying the process as well as the end result… knowing that some things simply take time – requiring a process to unfold – something beyond our
    impatience for instant gratification.

  3. Well, speaking of a process, today here in my city, this afternoon the heavens opened up and it rained torrents for about 10 minutes, A friend was here with me and she said “It is so exciting to see the rain pour down like this.” We both commented too about the good earthy smell that comes when rain meets the ground. Of course the anticipation of the results we look forward to include several stages, and the fruit of our labors pays off when rain helps us out. After the 10 minutes of heavy soaking rain, suddenly the SUN shone brightly and it was as though there had been nothing unusual in contrast to the rest of a sunshiny day!

  4. I haven’t done so in a while, but I tend to enjoy practicing musical instruments, perhaps even more than performing.

    I read novels primarily for the act of reading itself.

    I cuddle with my dog because we both enjoy the process rather than for any long-term goal.

    1. Good to have your contribution, Martin. The things you mention are all worth while to you as well as to others.

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