In Full Bloom

CherryBlossomsThat magic moment when the cherry trees are in full bloom is notoriously brief. Of course, cherry trees don’t mind. The moment of flowering is only an invitation to the bees to set in motion the much slower and less glamorous process of setting fruit.

What fruits of your labors are you looking forward to down the line?

Potential Energy

SpringPress a spring down and it stores the energy of your pressure, holding it as potential until you release it to pop up again. Whatever you are experiencing right now, however delightful or difficult, is being stored as potential energy. When it might pop up is anybody’s guess.

What in your life feels like it is holding—or holding back—a lot of potential?

Just Me

WhoIAmYou could just put it all on out there—who you are, what you like, your greatest fears and dreams. It’s so easy to cover over bits of ourselves in hopes that people will like us, but how can people like us if they don’t know who we are?

What would you write on your hands to tell the world who you are?

Wedding Rings

RingsWedding photos are supposed to tell a story: one of a lifetime of wedded bliss, of a love great enough to meet all obstacles. Of course, the actual story of a marriage may turn out to be the story of a lifetime of loving devotion or a story of a few years of turmoil. Love stories pretty much always turn out to be more complicated than the pretty pictures.

What true story do you tell about love?