Taking Time

SetTheTimeWhy is it that we frequently “take time,” but we never “give time”? We only say, in the negative, that someone wouldn’t give us the time of day. Take your time, certainly, but why not try giving some as well?

Who will you give time to today?

2 thoughts on “Taking Time”

  1. I love this! I never thought of it like this, but it makes a lot of sense. I will give time to my dog and to my friend. I don’t think I have it in me to give time to many other people today, but maybe I’ll feel better tomorrow.

  2. I give time on purpose to those friends and acquaintances who are unable for one reason or other to participate in the ordinary flow of societal life as most of us know it. Those who don’t drive; those who are blind; those who need a friend weekly; those children or grownups(!) who need a smile in the grocery store, even though we only pass by each other in the produce aisle!; those who are on my mind and seem to be waiting for a phone call; those who appear to need some sort of help as strangers in our city; the post-person who delivers the mail to my door; the clerk at the store who looks tired or unhappy (or happy!); someone who is waiting for an e-mail. Many opportunities, enough time.

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