Hanging Out

SiestaSure, it’s wonderful to be with your closest friends, to have shared adventures or intimate conversations. But there’s something to be said for just hanging out, relaxing in the company of strangers at a coffee shop or in a movie theater.

Where have you enjoyed the company of strangers?

5 thoughts on “Hanging Out”

  1. When stuck at an airport or on an airplane, trying to get home. Snice we are in a similar predicament we can share experiences.

    1. Mellisa, I’ve had the same kind of experience and it can really fill the time waiting with fun and unexpected results! I agree with you!

  2. One of my favorite memories as a fan of a certain indie rock band wasn’t the show (it was the day before Easter, early evening) but the subway ride after. It seemed like everyone who had been in that concert venue was now on the same train. It was crammed, but we were all enjoying our afterglow and the occasional small talk.

  3. Traveling by public transport sometimes gives one the opportunity to strike up an interesting conversation, especially if the trip is somewhat lengthy. Even though there are a rash of media viewers, it can be worthwhile to talk with another traveler. I was recently on a two hour train trip and the woman in the seat next to me and I each had teaching experience and were from the same area and we compared ideas and opinions galore as well as discovering that we have several mutual friends. Who knows where this encounter may lead?

  4. Maggie, one of the most rewarding times for me, too are when a group that has been to the same concert and is together afterwards will be so interested in talking it over and comparing ideas and how they liked or didn’t like something about the event. I always hope that this will happen, to be able to discuss… even with strangers when we all have something in common. I agree with you!

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