Behind Bars

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIt is a national tragedy that so many of our people are locked behind bars—both those who are imprisoned and those who feel that they must live behind barred windows in order to feel safe. Closing the blinds and avoiding looking at your neighbors hardly seems like a solution.

How do you help to build a community in which everyone is more secure?

At Your Own Risk

NoLifeguardYou swim at your own risk. You also ride your bike, go down the slide, eat peanuts, voice your opinion and fall in love at your own risk. If it’s your life, it’s your risk.

What are you willing to risk?

At the Edge

“When we walk to the edge of all the light we have and take a step into the darkness of the unknown, we must believe that one of two things will happen. There will be something solid for us to stand on or we will be taught to fly.”
―Patrick Overton

What have you found when you dared to step out into the darkness?

An Open Hand

ReachingMaybe this wide-stretched hand is reaching out in longing to grasp what can’t be held. Or maybe we have caught it moments after flinging forth something to the skies. In either case, that open-hand moment is a tiny instance of the sacred.

What is your open hand reaching for or letting go?

The Safest Place

SnugglingThe safest place might be in the arms of someone you love and trust. Or it might be in a cabin on a mountain top where no one will bother you. Or it might be some place that you visit only in memory or imagination.

Where is your safest place?