International Women’s Day

Across the centuries the struggle for women’s rights has included fighting for women’s right to property, to education, to control of their bodies and reproduction, to inclusion in the political process, to the understanding that women’s insights and relationships are as valid and important as those of men.

What work do you see that remains to be done to achieve equality for women?

5 thoughts on “International Women’s Day”

  1. We need better and more comprehensive child day care so that women do not have to choose between a family and a career.

  2. Equal pay for equal work is necessary. True economic justice would go beyond that, though, and would mean that the types of jobs that are women-dominated would be as valued and as well payed as the types of jobs that are man-dominated.

  3. I hope for a day when boys are no longer criticized or ridiculed for “acting like a girl.” Such attitudes imply that there is something wrong or inferior about being a girl or woman.

  4. I think the work that remains to achieve equality for women has nothing to do with women. It has to do entirely with changing the culture and attitudes of men.

  5. Right on Art! Funny only men have commented so far though. For me this has been a lifelong struggle affecting every sphere of living. I now live in a small Western town which has one Town Council and at least a half dozen commissions. There is one woman on the Council and one on all the commissions. The attitude of men intimidates the women. The adherence to a verbatim Bible means women should be seen but not heard.

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