At Peace on the Edge

We tend to think of finding our way in life as tension-filled, a precarious path that we tread with caution and difficulty. But when our lives are truly in balance then we can relax into a sense of rightness and contentment, appreciating the place where we are right now.

What part of your life feels the most balanced and relaxed?

One thought on “At Peace on the Edge”

  1. It’s so tempting to say there’s nothing in my life that feels balanced and relaxed. However, if I really think about it, some things sorta feel that way.

    My relationship with my dogs is going well, and I feel fairly well about how they are being cared for – minus the medical expenses that will come tomorrow, but even those shouldn’t be an absolute catastrophe. I worry and feel inadequate as a caretaker. Still, overall things are going well, and I think the balance between their wants/needs and my wants/needs is generally good.

    My “work” life is also relatively balanced. I go often enough and long enough to get some structure in my week, socialization, and a little extra cash, but I still get plenty of less structured time at home so that I’m not completely overwhelmed and so that I can get other things done.

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