Muslim New Year

Today marks the first day of Muharram, the month of the New Year for Muslims. It is a time, not of partying and celebration, but of fasting. Every cycle brings something new and takes something away, and although various traditions mark the New Year at various times, in reality each day marks the beginning and the end of something.

What is new for you today? Does this new thing feel more like a gift or a loss?

2 thoughts on “Muslim New Year”

  1. Today someone started teaching me how to write in German. I’ve made several attempts to learn this on my own, but I haven’t been able to stick with it long enough to make huge improvements. Now someone else is going to give me the assignments and check them with me, and I hope this added accountability and support will be enough for me to make steady progress. This help feels like a gift and not like a loss.

  2. What is new for you today? Does this new thing feel more like a gift or a loss?…
    Definitely a loss! Two losses … many losses!!! … Grief, heaped upon grief! “Life is life.”

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